“I give up”, I said to myself. Why do I have to face this kind of problem? The world is unfair, not cruel, that everyone must face it but I surrendered so quickly. It is hard to trust everyone and that what I really need for now. One more, being jobless bothers me a lot or the people around me. Sometimes hopelessness visit my wondering mind and bother me, if I persist I will not be like this.
For now I will divert my path to attain the goals I have in mind but first I must have a will to do it. If I will not act on my plans nothing can be done. GOD you prove your greatness to me this past few weeks but I refuse your helping hand. Oh, LORD guide my friends everyday in the training school. Please put them in Your Gracious protection and be their counsel inside as you guided me.
I’ll prove to them what they are missing. I give up to be better than my past self, yes I am bitter but that will be my weapon (motivation or inspiration). Before that I will find a job to support sustain me in my own metamorphosis. I will try to follow the path which leads to the success I always wanted. LORD GOD I am not willing to drink the cup where you drink but let YOUR will be done.