Lunes, Pebrero 25, 2013

On Crows Zero 1 and 2

Ctows Zero 1 and 2 is a Delinquent Movie based on a manga written by Hiroshi Takahashi. The story revolves around Genji Takiya and the School of Crows, Suzuran. Suzuran is a school where academics does not exist, the students are only interested in brawl and fight and being cool because Suzuran is a school of delinquent boys. Genji’s goal here is too unite the school, but first he must defeat Tamao Serizawa, which he did. He defeated Serizawa.

I think that the movie is about youthful aggressiveness, friendship and politics. Yes, politics. If you noticed that the terminologies and circumstances is as if two countries are at consistently at war that fits a Yakuza or Mafia’s dealing about their organization and rivals and allies. I remember that a friend of mine once said, “Puro suntukan.” It’s all brawl. I think he did not know much about Bushido nor The Prince.

Yakuza and  the JD (Juvinile Delinquents) in this movie, or in Japan, uphold some of Bushido’s principle. On the other hand, we can see some element of politics as mention in The Prince of Machiavelli.

Genji’s father is a Yakuza Boss. He ask Genji to conquer and unite Suzuran, which he did not in his own time. And if Genji succeeded he will inherit the Yakuza organization. I remember that Machiavelli once pointed that military is the primary concern of a prince and I think this fits that circumstance.

It’s all about loyalty, power, fights and honor.

Miyerkules, Pebrero 20, 2013

Write to your hearts content #3

* Sa boxing ang hard feelings ay nagiging hard punches, and  we'll hope na sana hindi na magkaroon pa ng mga hard feeling.

* Mahirap talagang maging hopeless and unemployed romantic. Wala ka ng love life, wala ka pang pera.

*Mud-slinging all o'er.
There's a lot of tragedy.
Truly uncertain